Drivers, software, manuals

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DALIconfig is a software for PC which communicates with DALI232/DALIusb and DALInet/DALInet2 converter. Thanks to this software it is possible to find all DALI devices connected to the bus and setup them. Program is designed for Windows x64. In case of questions or remarks please contact us on

DaliConfig DALIconfig
pdf Manual DaliConfigCZ.pdf

Message generation for DALI232 and DALInet

The protocol for DALI232, DALI232e, DALInet and DALI2net is given in the manual, but for simplicity, this message generator can be used to create a message including checksum and other details that can be sent to the converter and it will send the appropriate message to the DALI bus.

Generate message ->>


Frequently asked questions

What is DALI bus?

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is the international standard for
lighting control according to IEC 62386. All DALI manufacturers must comply with
this standard and therefore its units compatible with the units of other
DALI device manufacturers.

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