
  • 4 channel relay unit
  • Maximum resistive load 10A
  • Blinds mode
  • 2 SPDT and 2 SPST relay
  • Test buttons on the front panel
  • Control according to ČSN EN 62386-208
Price incl. VAT:6 292 Kč
VAT excl.5 200 Kč
In stock

Relay unit DALIrel4 

DALIrel4 is 4 channel relay unit for switching loads up to 10A.

Outputs are formed as independent potential free switchable contacts. Two contacts are SPDT and two are SPST.

In addition to the bus DALI controll the output level can be controlled by buttons on the front panel of the unit.

On the front panel there is signalized an output level for each channel.

DALIrel4 allows to control blinds or motorized canavas. 


pdf User manual
zip icon Block diagram
pdf Declaration of conformity
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